Grand Master Samuel "Bambit" Dulay
Grand Master Samuel "Bambit" Dulay started training in Filipino Martial Arts in Dumog and Judo 1968-69 under Roming Yanson and the Lisondra Brothers (both students of Grandmaster Remy Presas).
He learned the Baston (basic Arnis) in 1972 while studying karate jujitsu in NAJUKAJU-A.
He pursue his Modern Arnis training from GM Roberto and Ernesto Presas in 1980.
Prof. Remy A. Presas personally taught Master Bambit Dulay and Guro Cris Villegas, the Art within Art Flow Tapi Tapi 1998.
He was promoted to Lakan Anim (6th Degree) and was appointed by Prof. Remy A. Presas as the Chief Instructor of International Modern Arnis – Philippines, to propagate the art within art concept of “Tapi Tapi” in Philippines 2000.
He was promoted to LAKAN SIYAM (9th degree) by the Modern Arnis Council and FMA Council during the 7th FMA World Festival 2014.
During the East meets Wast camp in September 2017, he was acknowledged Lakan Siyam, 10th Dan Modern Arnis by Grand Master Roberto Presas.
Local and International Achievement:
- He authored the Revised International Modern Arnis Federation Philippines (IMAFP) Sports Arnis Rules of Competition in 1996.
- Orgnizer of the Modern Arnis International Tournament in the Philippines
Organizer of the Gemmalyn Crosby Sports Festival International.
Consultant of the National Filipino Martial Arts Festival in the Philippines
Member, Organizing committee of the FMA World Festival in the Philippines
Instructor and presenter at the 2nd FMA Festival, Dortmund/Germany 2004
Represents FMA Master in Swiss Budo Gala Master Demo in Bern, Switzerland 2005
Arnis Choreographer / performer of Bridges Intercultural Demonstration in Switzerland 2004 to 2005
Represents the country in Memphis in May International Event, as Choreographer, Performer of “The Evolution of Filipino Martial Art “ Play at Orpheum Theater and Graceland, Memphis Tn 2012
Choreographer in FMA Dumog & Arnis on 4th Southeast Asian Wrestling Championship 2002 Choreographer, performer of FMA fights in Television Series Survivor – Bulgaria 2008

Position in Modern Arnis Organization:
International Modern Arnis Federation – Philippines (IMAFP)
Chief Instructor
Chairman on Committee on Membership and Affiliation External
Vice President and Founding Member of IMAFP, an organization under GM Remy Presas
Founding member of the Worldwide Family of Modern Arnis.
Member of the Filipino Martial Arts Council
- Arnis Grandmaster representative in United Martial Aarts Association (UMAA)
- Email
- Location
- Philippines
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